Friday, January 24, 2020

Ethics of Governments Stance of Homosexuality Essay -- essays researc

Homosexuality, when defined by a dictionary, reads [as a] "sexual desire or behavior directed toward a person or persons of one's own sex ." While its opposite, heterosexuality, is described as: "[a] sexual feeling or behavior directed toward a person or persons of the opposite sex ." Homosexuality can be traced back to the earliest pieces of recorded history, although its definitive origin is unknown, many scientists believe that homosexuality exists in nature, although this is subject to interpretation ("Homosexuality" Wikipedia). Throughout its existence, this lifestyle, or as some call, "choice" has been subject to overly harsh scrutiny from both the legislature and culture. Why should it, that a nation which is founded on principles of freedom, not allow their own citizens to be able practice homosexuality free from societal and government persecution and discrimination? The foundation of the American government is known as the constitution, this document is what all freedoms given to the citizens of the United States receive, along with passages on government. It states...

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